A school in Dubai, located in the UAE. The school chose a freaking horse as a mascot, and lacks facilities due to greedy owners. The students are either rich & stupid, gangster arabs or smart indians. It's famous for its excellence approach of stopping smoking in the bathrooms.
CEO: It's time to get a mascot like our sister school Dubai International Academy!
Tony: Sure thing, let's take the horse to mascot RWA (raffles world academy).
by Therealtupac1994 May 14, 2016
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When you go over a friends house who may be less fortunate than you, and the water bottle brand he gives you is unheard of.
Person: Hey I'm thirsty. Can I have a bottle of water?
Friend: Sure! Here's some indigo dolphin spring water!
Person: I'm not drinking your third world water. Buy Poland Spring.
by Walter the whale March 3, 2015
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The term is used to describe a form of depression and anxiety, manifesting as an unhealthy obsession with the Old World. The blues cause the affected person to distance themselves from the world around them, withdraw from society, and become apathetic.
Doctor Mobius: "There is an expression in the Wasteland: "Old World Blues.""

Doctor Klein: "It refers to those so obsessed with the past they can't see the present, much less the future, for what it is."
by fvillain December 6, 2021
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Is a common disease that many teenagers get around sophomore year. Symptoms include: forgetting to eat, sleep, and sometimes breath. To deal with this illness, you must study your ass off on homework that is nothing like the test. Basically, you are fucked. If you are happy in this class, you are even more fucked. Caution: do not take this class or you will surfer the fucking consequences. Beware
Student: What should I do tonight? End my suffering or do AP World History homework....?
by Margo312 November 24, 2015
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The person who you trust your life with and you will never stop loveing because their amazing they also sometimes steal your food
Hey you see Ryan well that’s the best friend in the world to Ethan
by Sword flash March 16, 2018
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Slang for rough gay sex, commonly used by males who are fond of roblox games.
“Hey man, wanna hop on World Of Magic later?”
“Sure, I just have to wait until my dad goes to sleep”
by Streenty March 4, 2021
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Noun referring to any impoverished foreign country in which crime, graft, and corruption are modus operandi.
That Third World Shithole felt just like home.
by Basking in Beanerville July 4, 2011
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