A person that is incapable of achieving success in a certain aspect
Rebecca is such a zero warrior when it comes to studies
by GG10 September 13, 2013
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1.Someone who has fought their battles in life with minimal support or family
2. Someone who takes the lead in facing life's battles.
She was a life warrior, until she got her moment in life.
by Stained2022 November 28, 2021
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How your boys in high school call you after a rejection by a Girl.
you: Damn, I got rejected my Niyusha yesterday.

your Bros: Stand up and fight, fallen warrior!
by pineapplepebble April 23, 2022
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A short name for the NBA’s Greatest Franchise ever
Warriors fan: We are the most successful franchise ever as the warriors

Celtics fan: Bitch please we got 17 NBA titles to your 6
by tman43 September 3, 2018
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The antagonist to the musketeers. This pathetic specimen of a human often tries to compete with the musketeers by placing shiny things on the ground in a vain attempt to blow up all the Musketeers.
Despite seeming success with women on paper they later prove to be fat.
Person 1: I really like the Musketeers, they're cool guys.
Person 2: I'm a Ming Warrior
Person 1: Piss off
by 4Musketeers January 13, 2011
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if theres a town clock in your town, no doubt you can catch them hanging under it at any given moment. They dont necissarily need to be smoking cigarettes, but they may ask you for one if you get too close.
Grovers be loitering by the clock tryna smoke a moke if you holdin, they clock warriors for life.
by The Feelgoods January 11, 2018
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A person of whom tends to go out one night per weekend and attacks people for not going out. Tends to end up at Hotel Bondi until 4am with his dick in his hands.
That Josh Brown is such a One Night Warrior.
by sussybakaa29 March 12, 2022
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