Jolyn is obsessed with dominic and really loves him
Jolyn found Dominic’s address” This is how Dominic simp is defined
by Pp good May 14, 2023
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A man with a insanely small penis so small it lacks to create sperm with unstoppable amounts of penis hair
Your small penis hair could make a blanket for every homeless person on the planet you have a Dominic seese
by Pickle juice all on me887 March 7, 2017
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A hella bent fellow that has inserted his microscopic dick into his two dogs. Hits the gym every day (the first sign of being gay). Smells like AXE deodorant all the time and wears a pair of sexy purple Calvin Kleins. Hair never on fleek and looks like Thor when he gets a hair cut. Super lazy in lessons and last time he did homework was when he was an embryo. Claims to be good at sports and live a lavish lifestyle.
Stop flashing your ass Dominic Sullivan
by Attractive Guy June 28, 2019
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Where the man which defines as a bear rapes younger girl and dominates her without consent
Little fat Sam without consent the bear is dominating poor holly that’s bear domination
by Bigspafflesandwich May 23, 2020
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(verb) A term when used as verb to denote having bested, defeated and/or beaten a fellow human being at a certain task or activity by performing significantly better. It usually conjures up images of a loud hillbilly dude pounding beers and then crumbling up the said beer cans, tossing them in a corner, burping his name and then whooping really loud, followed by some moronic comment along the lines of: "YEAH I DOMINATED YOUR ASS! EXTREME DUDE!" to which his loser pals respond by validating him and uttering nonsensical BS like "right on hombre!" and "hell yeah dude!" and "most def!" and then they do keg stands or whatever else it is that those guys do.
"hey broseph, I dominated Steve at this game of beer pong so bad the other day he didn't even show up to lacrosse practice."
by royalcup May 23, 2018
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Have power and influence over someone or multiple people.
by Slyxyn August 23, 2022
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