When you are in the middle of no where and your only hope of survival is to signal aliens by creating circle turds.

This process involved squatting and shitting whilst rotating 360 degrees to create a ground signal to aliens.

This process is also used to mark your ground so aliens know you own the area.
Dude some aliens tried to anal probe me the other night. Once they saw my circle turds the respected my space.
by Hole of Knowledge December 16, 2018
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When you give someone a very dark hickey that presents itself as a deep purplish color. To achieve this one typically has to apply alot of pressure by sinking one's teeth into the desired skin surface.
Things got very heavy last night between Alex and I. Check out what he did to my neck, it's a real purple circle. It was SO hot!
by frenchdrain January 18, 2023
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dance? move when you swing your hips in a circle
Oh, you want an ass circle in the dance now?
by siren.morgue October 16, 2018
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The act of jerking off with typically 3 men or more in a circle.
I had a dirty jerk circle while my sister was giving my cat a creampie.
by 1637286462 September 25, 2017
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a collective celebration of self hatred in which all members form a circle and punch each other

also known as pircle
i hate myself - lets have a punch circle
by aiddsss December 11, 2019
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1. An enthusiastic expression of affirmation, such as "hell yes!" or "fuck yeah!"

2. To draw an equidistant perimeter around a center or point of reference.
"Shall we order a bottle of Ciroq for the table?"
"Circle that!"

"Hey, I"m hungry, I think I'm gonna make some nachos. You want some?
"Circle that!"

"I love you. Will you marry me?"
"Circle that!"
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The place you go when you only have $4 and need a gallon of Diet Coke and a candy bar.
Hello Matt Damon, would you like to go to Circle K? I heard they're selling heart attacks for $5.
by fartcheesestinkstyfour July 5, 2023
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