Another Word For An Illegal Immigrant
A Fat Mexican Who Cannot Hop The Fence To America
Therefore Must Crawl Under The Fence To Get To His/Her Destination
Mex 1: Common Essa Hop Over Before The La Migara Show Up!
Mex 2: Holmes I'm To Fat For This Stuff!
Mex 1: I Got An Idea! Go Under The Fence!!
Mex 2: Good Idea Holmes !!
Mex 1: Runn!!

Mex 2: Yeah Man!! I Wonder If We Could Make A Word Out Of That??
Mex 1: Grass Belly!!
by Timmy Tumm November 8, 2011
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A type of insulation used on the lower portions of an object but not touching the ground.
The RV has plenty of cold weather protection to prevent the pipes from freezing thanks to the belly insulation.

Commonly referred to in middle-aged men as a beer belly.
by glassman324 September 24, 2017
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A specific type of nauseous stomach ache brought on by the ingestion of a drug that is delivered in the form of a hydrobromide salt.
Emily gave herself a bit of a bromide belly from taking so much DXM HBr.
by Neech August 7, 2012
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Sincere (yk who u are…)
Person 1: Ur fat asf
Person 2: Least im not a pork belly bitch like sincere
by yes,cvm October 4, 2023
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The build up of lint and other similar substances that accumulate in your belly button.
Yo Tom! Can I have that belly button beret you got growin?!
by Billy big nips September 20, 2017
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