When you fuck a small loaf of cornbread and creampie it.
Daniel creampies a small loaf of corn bread and s I now have a redneck twinkie!
by Redneck twinkie February 21, 2021
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The standard to which a person's level of redneck is measured.
Leroy's redneckability is on the level of Joe Dirt. Have you seen how impressive his metal lawn art collection is and his mullet wins the contest at the county fair every year.
by Mrs of the Mr October 14, 2017
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After plunging for several minutes, when the water turns a consistent brown with shreds of toilet paper surfacing consistently, you will feel the pressure drop in your hand(s). At that moment sit down and flush again.
Sorry I got your floor all wet in there but the almighty gave me a redneck bidet before I started to stucco
by Assquatch May 6, 2022
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Carefully pinching your anus as a log is dropping to create a splash, creating enough of a splash to clean your asshole
Went drinking last night and I’m stuck at work w/ swamp ass
on a 12 hour shift w/ no baby wipes , just had to do a redneck bidet
by Falkowitz December 8, 2020
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Redneck Flip or Redneck Flipping is when you take Budweiser, Meth and Ecstacy at the same time.

Variations of Redneck Flipping include Hippie Flipping (taking mushrooms and ecstacy together) and Candy Flipping (taking acid and ecstacy together).
I gotta crash out for a while man...I was redneck flipping at that party all night.
by forsolo July 28, 2019
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Refers to da half-dozen "main" or "lifesaver" items --- duct tape, WD-40, expanding-foam insulation, hose-clamps, deck/drywall-screws, and zip-ties --- dat backwoods-bumpkins absolutely rely on to get them through da day, due to these products' incredible versatility and their robust/reliable ability to "save the day" in so many occasions.
The classic "redneck-repair six" can get you out of so many everyday jams that you could probably never catalogue them all. (Think, using a Pringles-can to splice a busted radiator-hose till you can get home, re-attaching a broken tail-light, or adding mirrors on your kid's bicycle if you need him to run an emergency errand downtown.) Just watch the Red Green Show if you need any proof or examples. :P
by QuacksO June 23, 2019
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