An act in which someone gets their finger licked by someone else, to give a third person a wet willy.
Jesus had halie lick his finger to stick his finger in dylan's making it a three-way wet willy
by Boobuukittyfuck666 October 20, 2019
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when you brutally moisten your index finger and then shove it in the ass of one of your sleeping friends.
hey mike is asleep

I'm going to give him a doody chute wet willy
by TheColgator May 29, 2022
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Licking your finger or fingers and sticking them in someone's butt hole
Dude wtf! why'd you just give me that wet Willy Nelson i was trying to pick up the soap!
by IAmTheBird August 7, 2021
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When you are getting a blowjob and you lick your fingers and stick them in both of her ears.
The wife was going down on me last night and I gave her the triple wet Willy.
by Eagle King October 15, 2021
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When a woman sucks a mans dick and then fucks her in the ass
Yeah, I gave the wife a wet willy in the ass last night.
by Tkbagginz July 19, 2021
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A variant of the wet willy but rather than inserting a single, spit upon finger into someone's ear, two spit upon fingers from the same hand are inserted into someone's nostrils.
I gave my dumb sister, Kathleen a forked wet willy right up the nose.
by Brudda20231015 October 14, 2023
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The intimate licking of someones anal rim, or insertion of tongue or salivated finger.
While she was sleeping he gave her a southern wet Willie, and she awoke surprised by the intimate touch.
by thecraklin March 4, 2015
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