When a banana goes from green to brown without every becoming yellow
Banana sublimation has occurred. Yesterday they were green and tart. Today they are darker than Pedro.
by Chunky Avacado Man October 23, 2017
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To remain physically still and inactive to neglect responsibilities that are not urgent.
After a busy morning and no urgent and important matters to attend to the student sublimated throughout the rest of the afternoon.
by shadokan October 9, 2023
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mixture of whiskey and orange juice (or any type of orange flaovred drank), so enjoyable it cannot be anything but tasted and be immediately forced into a euphoric mindset.
Thanks for the Sublime, BryPie, I was really thirsty for a swanky dranky.
by BryliRay April 4, 2012
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Those absolute fuckin legends who fuckin go on the lash for the whol`night drinkin bevies and gettin absolutely fuckin wankered fam!
And the rest of it is absolutely Sublime!
Sublime motherfuckers!
by itis_luca September 26, 2018
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Hey dude have you listened to sublime
Other guy: yea their the greatest band to exist
by Biangelsuat June 19, 2024
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That girl in your school is referred to as sublime because she wears open shirts meaning, pretty, beautiful, stunning, or cunning
She looked sublime in her outfit to the dance.

She had such a fat ass my friend couldn't control himself and hollered “you are looking sublime today with those cheeks”
by bpod321 November 8, 2019
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Literally the worst band on planet earth like there aren’t words to describe the sorry excuse for music that sublime releases
Person 1 So what’s your favorite band

Person 2 sublime

Person 1 calls 911

911 what’s your emergency
Person 1 my friend likes sublime

911 we’ll be right there
by Jackson Ramsey July 20, 2019
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