Describes an extended interval of kinky sex dat includes periodic showers throughout said session.
I prefer just calm and normal intercourse --- no "leather, rinse, repeat" for me, thank you very much!
by QuacksO October 13, 2023
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When you say something but no one seems to care or notice, then someone else says the exact same thing you just did, and everyone thinks it is a great idea and that person gets all the credit, you've been repeated.

This happens a lot in meetings with senior staff.
You: What about using this thing here to solve that thing over there?
*stares* *yeah maybe...* *nothing happens*
Someone else: What about using this thing here to solve that thing over there?
*cheers* *of course! yes!* *takes credit*
You (silent): Oh I got repeated again.
by hjelm September 23, 2017
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An individual who repeats an error.
My Mother made me realize that there are people who continually repeat an action they were informed, know, and should remember is an error. They might repeat an error because they forgot it was wrong to do it, or due to some other mental incapacity. I realized she was an “error-repeater”, but that that term is new, so I decided to submitted it to this excellent website that is increasing the body of knowledge and improving everything.
by but for March 21, 2022
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A youtuber who makes *legal* 3D printed guns, often showcasing them in a comedic video. Also referred to as PSR.
Q: "What was the name of that song about the mp5 slap?"
A: "HK Slap by print shoot repeat."
by tweeeeeeeeeeek March 14, 2023
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An individual that all he or she does is sleep and eat and it cycles. Sleat is a combination of words for sleep and eat.
David is depressed and all he does is sleat repeat.
by eblink March 6, 2016
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Refers to da stressful/humiliating "sudsing" dat da residents of a particular area painfully go through over and over during each and every election year, whereby they hafta sufferingly listen to all of da different candidates' make yackety-yack a blue streak and spew lofty proclamations and promises, only to have most or all of said glistening concessions come crashing down and be forgotten after one of da candidates actually takes office. Or in da case of especially blatant campaign-promise-breaking and/or serious political misbehavior, dat last word could instead be "retreat", as in, running off and hiding somewhere in shame/guilt/fear, either by the elected official himself when he knows dat his citizenry is mad at him, or by da sector of citizens who had voted him in and had enthusiastically touted him during da campaign as being such a great guy who was gonna step in and save da day, only for him to just casually renege on all of dat wonderful clap-trap and "practice business as usual".
Da term "blather, wince, repeat" could also refer to da "financial shampooing" chicanery --- i.e., money-laundering of campaign contributions --- dat "comes out in da wash" during or after da election.
by QuacksO May 7, 2022
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Someone on MySpace or Facebook whose status is always about the same thing or event. They are extremely annoying and truth be told, their friends skip over their status' because its always the same crap.
Ugh...she's such a status-repeater. Her status' are always about the exact same thing. Ex: I am so lucky and I have an awesome life.
by Mr. M&M January 14, 2011
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