it's a mix of hungry and angry. It's like this because most people feel angry or mad when they are hungry.
ugh I'm hangry I need food!!
by January 4, 2021
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When hunger meets anger creating a mood shift that is toxic leaving the sufferer with inability to listen or act civil and is likely to respond with extreme aggression.
I never schedule lunch meetings without providing lunch to avoid HANGRY behaviour as a part of workplace safety.
by WerkinMan March 15, 2016
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When you're hungry and angry at the same time.
Last night, he was so hangry.
by exmmys February 26, 2018
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To be hungry and angry; avoid anyone like this at all costs or at least give them some food.
Boy1: haiiii dude
Me: stfu i’m Hangry rn
by ItsMeBoi March 19, 2018
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Feeling so hungry that you are angry.
Mom! Give me food! I'm SO hangry!
by #the_word_gurl March 20, 2020
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Hangry is what happens when a person is so hungry they're mad, or so mad they're hungry. Either way hangry people should be avoided at ALL costs, just buy them a burger and dip
just, just avoid hangry people
by RedIxora February 12, 2021
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