The only device ever created that can exceed the pleasure of sex. Halo 2 will be the best game ever. It is truly tEh 1337 pWnage badasstastic game. Nothing can even compare to Halo 2.
Evil Towel:You will have to choose, Towlie, between saving your friends, or playing Halo 2.
Towlie:I choose, HALO 2!
by Karl Marx November 4, 2004
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A game created by Bungie for people who can actually afford Xbox Live. Those who can't can continue to gripe about the campaign while those of us who can spare $50 a year have fun in Rumble Pit.
From the viewpoint of neither a fanboy, loser, virgin, or child, I can safely say Halo 2 kicks the ass.
by babylonian007 December 20, 2004
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Halo 2 is a good game, but only if you plan on playing multiplayer/xbox live. The campaign of Halo 2 sucks, and some of the weapons have no use what-so-ever.
Get this game if plan on getting xbox live, or if you already have it
by pvtmcmuffin January 7, 2005
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A game Cupcake from CISCO class plays 24/7.
"I'm skipping school for a week to play Halo 2 for 168 hours straight."
by Ruben March 4, 2005
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1 An xbox game belived to be the most anticipated game in the history of gaming.

2 Thought to be the most religous icon for geeks on xbox live
1 We waited 7 hours at the EB games for halo 2

2 "Wait, i havn't finished pollishing my halo 2 collecters edition!"
by pieman January 9, 2005
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The game that you got your ass kicked in by RiddlingCat AKA Alex
Fuck, Cat's good at Halo 2
by Alex April 2, 2005
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Halo 2 is the pimp s3qual to halo, Halo 2 offers games such a capture the flag, jaugernaut, oddball, and Team Fucking Slayer. All these games kick some major ass.
Jason Schriber says "Quote on Quote"
to Evan long. "Man we should play some team slayer" Evan replys ahhhhlllll i dont wanna loose my dammnn rank DOOD. Jason calls PUSSAY. And i shoot him with my sward and slach him with my plasma Pistole.
by Jason March 29, 2005
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