A case of Extremely bad random diarrhea that people get from eating cat food when your all out of dog food.
Owner: Damn it Were all out of Dog food
kid: !
Owner: Heres some cat food instead

*Hours later*

Kid: OMG the midnight yikes!
*runs to the restroom*
by Samuel433 July 21, 2006
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A reaction to an act commited that can be perceieved as exceedingly cringy.
Friend 1: Dude, I think the whole movie theatre can smell my fart!

Someone in the crowd: Ugh, I can smell that dude's fart.

Friend 2: Bro, Big Cringy Yikes!
by J.J.Clark October 4, 2021
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When something absolutely insane happens. So insane that a more intense reaction than wtf is needed.
Person 1: "Dude last night I made out with my stalker ex while I was plastered at a party." Person 2: "yikes on fucking bikes
by superkirbyman May 22, 2018
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Person A: That girl just spilled coffee all over her computer
Person B: ooo das dat yikes
by lildolla February 28, 2015
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When someone says something overly cringy over the intranet, and it's so terrible that you said "YIKES!" in real life.
manw0lfz: "Yeet."

Ourly: "oh, that made me yikes irl"
by Ourly January 30, 2020
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