Abbreviated form of 'stunning honey'.

Used primarily in Dublin, Ireland
Chloe: I look like shit today
Holly: Awh stop your a little stun hun
by nylad September 20, 2015
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A derivative of the term "hunnie" for a good looking girl.

(generally a girl 18-25)
"I met this little hun-dog last night!"

Also used as "Hundos" for a multitude of "hun-dogs"

"Dang, look at those hundos"
by the_diabolical_dr.please December 27, 2010
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A complete beast that all but conquered Rome. Widely known as the founder of Hungary. Also said to be hung like an Italian blue whale.
Random dude: I heard the word pimp was invented to describe Attila the Hun.
by nipmynuts December 25, 2010
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A word someone uses when flirting with you.
Me: So, you coming with me, Dennis?
Dennis: Why, of course hun bun, I'd do it for you!
by sbsg October 28, 2006
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