When the boys gather around a bbq and have a circle jerk and cum into the flames of the BBQ. You then proceed to inhale the vapour of your own cum and those around you.

Originated in the straightest city in the world, Sydney Australia. And is named after a predominantly gay street in Sydney, Oxford Street.
Hey Adam, why are those boys having a wank next to a bbq.

Don’t worry Raph they are just participating in the ancient tradition of an Oxford street BBQ. Let’s join them and add our cum to the juicy concoction.
by SydneySinner69 January 1, 2021
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A pretty small city in granville county, typically characterized by overly racist people on all sides of the fence. The best thing about it is the new wal-mart if that says anything...The library is finally being rebuilt. There's a really cool museum in the old jailhouse (where else IS there for a museum?!). New food places include cookout, bojangles, and the kick ass mexican restaurant mazatlan. 96 buffet is sketch though.
WOW! Oxford, North Carolina has a BOJANGLES now?!
by IshovelPOO January 11, 2011
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If I'm not sure about the definition of a word, I might check the Oxford English Dictionary for an accurate and in-depth definition.
by WordLover731 November 18, 2009
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An institution reserved only for the prestigious, where the elite learn and master the art and conduct of a gentleman. The "dashing good looks" is the most difficult preliminary hurdle. Once a candidate has passed this excruciating examine the burden of relief is lifted from the candidate. The course is a mere 7 months long. The candidates receive the title "Gentleman" after completion of a grueling 6 months of knowledge.
"Yo Jake is gentleman!"

That's because he attended the Oxford School of Gentlemanship!"

by cognac87 November 22, 2012
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the place where all the super white kids go and slowly get more depressed
oxford middle school is deppressing
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When you mount a woman for an aggressive titty fucking after having dropped a steamy pile without wiping so you leave a thick muddy streak down her abdomen.
I had the perfect shit last night, and to top it off I gave the old lady a nice Oxford Wagon Rut
by DomTuffy January 15, 2023
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An unlimited source of knowledge that knows all. Maintained by Chet's
"I have a problem and I dont know the answer!"
"Ask the Oxford Circle... it knows all!"
"Thanks Chet!"
by Spaggo April 21, 2004
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