A male or female with incisors and gums that extrude from the front if their face. Normally it is very uncomfortable to see a horse growler smile.
Amy is such a horse growler, everytime she smiles she turns into a booger wolf.
by Bookup January 22, 2012
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After a night of drinking when your stomach is rumbling and you have to poop. When you do poop and the fecal matter slides out like the chute was greased.
Q: "What was that noise?"
A: (in a hungover tired voice) "I drank way too much and I've got some Greasy Growlers"
by Bryan St. Bryan May 18, 2009
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To provide thorough oral services to the vaginal region; a synonym for giving oral pleasure to a woman, preferrably one who still sports a bush. Can also refer to carpet- munching a hardwood floor, if the woman has shaved or waxed.
The officer was caught with his pants down, grooming the growler of the sergeant's wife.
by ladywhiteshadow January 29, 2007
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Well known as the goat. When a male tucks his genitalia between his legs to form a mangina, the rear view while bent over is the hognose growler.
Dude i was walking into the bathroom, and Arthur popped out and showed me his mangina, then he turned around and i saw the hognose growler.
by harpy stevish August 1, 2009
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To go get beer or other alcohol. Used chiefly in the coal region of northeast Pennsylvania. Derived from old coal mining days, when the miners would take a growler (a type of metal bucket) and put their lunch in it, and put their coffee in the bottom in a separate compartment. This was supposedly to keep the meal warm, but it probably didn't work too well. On the way home from work, the miner would "rush the growler" over to the local watering hole and fill it up with cans or bottles of beer to bring home. Hence, rush the growler.
Guy 1: "Yo, butt! I'm gonna go rush the growler, ya want anything?"

Guy 2: "Yeah, get me a couple quarts o' Lager!" ("Lager" always means Yuengling Lager in Northeast PA.)
by SomeGuyFromNEPA January 22, 2009
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A huge, uncropped area of fuzz which starts just below the belly button and stops just above the ankles
Sarah couldn't see hers for being pregnant, thus she had a Big Growler
by CLR29 August 19, 2005
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