When you drink a little bit and pass out. You puke on yourself while passed out. Then you wake up the next morning thinking you feel like shit but in reality you just dont feel like doing anything pussy
Oh man Sawyer was being a real Greg yesterday
by TG and JG December 28, 2009
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The biggest tool to ever walk the earth. Is extremely over sensitive and a flaming homosexual. His favorite artists are Jack Johnson and Brandon Flowers.
Guy 1: Dude did you see the way that guy looked at me?

Guy 2: Yeah bro he totally checked you out.

Guy 1: What a freakin Greg

Guy 2: Definitely a Greg..
by ChadHenne October 10, 2010
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A Greg in the wild will often drink in excess and then lose all sense of self. Others around him are often left red faced and ashamed that they have taken a Greg under their wing. Don't let a Greg fool you, they will go by another name to cover up their true identity. Watch out for these predictable creatures, approach with caution!
"I thought that guy was chill, but he was just a Greg."
by Not a Greg fan August 8, 2008
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One who drunkenly panics and starts freaking out over mundane events. The act of freaking out may or may not include drunkenly shouting, crying, and generally being a jerk to everyone in an exaggerated emotional woe-is-me way.
Dude, everything was fine and then he totally Gregged out out of nowhere.

That guy is such a Greg..

Don't start Gregging out on me now.
by potatomato July 24, 2014
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hey you should join greg! its the fastest growing army on youtube! all you have to do is subscribe to Danny Gonzalez and turn on notifications! NEVER EVEN THINK ABOUT JOINING CRAIG
by TrulyGregNeverCraig June 6, 2019
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the realest nigga u could know he's sexy and all the girls like him and he's the best at football.
this nigga Greg don did it again
by the 5 April 12, 2017
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