A quote from the movie Gone With the Wind. In those days swear words never came in big movies and the director was in trouble. Before the movie was released, he had an option to either change it, or pay $5,000 (which was worth a lot!). He payed the fine of $5,000 and it the quote became famous, it topped AFI's list of top quotes.

There's even a wikipedia article about it that I can't link to because it's too long.
Scarlett: What's going to happen to me?
Rhett: Frankly my dear I don't give a damn
by Serminigo July 5, 2006
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An anti-Michigan song sung by Ohioans.

"We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
'Cause we're from Ohio!

We're from Ohio - O! H!
We're from Ohio - I! O!

Ohhh we don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan
The whole state of Michigan
We don't give a damn for the whole state of Michigan
'Cause we're from Ohio!"
I sing I Don't Give a Damn For the Whole State of Michigan every November.
by Ohioan December 10, 2006
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Quote from the film Poetic Justice
Tupac Shakurs version from the famous movie quote from the film Gone with the wind
Janet Jackson- They still gon' fuck you up!
Tupac- STFU and get your ass in the car
Regina King- Chicago! Tell Lucky to stop fighting with Justice
2Pac- Frankly my dear I don't give a fuck
by Big Brawler April 18, 2017
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yes show to all people on social network whats your name mean we so care about please
- hello, my name is Jack and the meaning is...
- I don't give a fuck 'bout your name meanings, Jack
by santek November 22, 2021
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I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck means you don't give a fuck.
You: Hfjone sucks. I hate you!!!
Me: I don't give a pink fuck, a blue fuck, a grey fuck, a green fuck, a me fuck, youfuck, no fuck.
You: I'm sorry!! *CRIES*
by hfjonefan0159391-59105 September 25, 2022
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Not giving a single fuck while ensuring your thought cannot be changed
" that guy is hacking I don't give a fuck what anyone says ! "
by Anthony303isafaggot September 24, 2021
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