A high tech masturbation receptacle which can also be used to place orders for the destruction of decaying murder/rape victim's carcasses through the internet.
I sure wish I had more computer.
by Mr. Internet VII March 18, 2004
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the act of talking, gaming, tumblring, or any other internet activity using a computer
me: hey gabby, wanna compute after school today?
gabby: sure! i love to compute, its what im best at!
by xoxmissy247 November 21, 2012
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Man's famous tool for emulating God.
You can do pretty much anything you want with a computer, like God, but the computer also has free will, God's gift to humans, so it could suddenly crash if it wanted to.
by T Hizzle May 28, 2005
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A computer is a terrible beast. It secrets vomit, has the ability to rip up a tree in one minute, and has a special tongue to lick it's balls.

Computers are found in many places. They can addict you, and they sometimes look on the internet (a vile network of voodoo telepathy which they use) to find pictures of your friends and family and pretend they're alive even after they are dead.

A computer has several intelligence levels:
PC: As stupid as the user
Super Computer: Unpredictable
Mac: <no intelligence>

A computer often visits sites of pornography so as to participate in virtual sex with another computer. It then blames the creation and visiting of these sites on humans nearby. How arrogant!!!
My computer licked it's balls.
My computer regularly opens porn sites.
My computer spreads viruses.
by High Technologist December 15, 2004
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A machine designed mainly to play Solitaire and fix endless problems consuming time and money.
<Idioth> I got a computer yesterday!
<Idoith> Luckyyy!! How is it?
<Idioth> Great! Plenty of Solitaire and a crapload of errors!
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 1, 2003
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The most frustrating thing that costs you money when ever it breaks.
Guy: Dude i just found out that my comp has 33 viruses

Guy2: Dude your looking at too much porn
by Nick Valadao July 26, 2004
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The form of digital art which manipulates real scenarios/scenes in a fashion which maintains that realism.

The digital transformation of the real subject need not be physically plausible, as long as that realism is maintained.

For example, transforming a real building into a robot would be considered computealism as long as there were enough real looking steps in the transformation from real building to digital robot.

A simple morphing of the above building into a robot would not be enough to constitute computealism.

Also see realuterism
For example digitally destroying a real building by means of digital explosion or collapse would be computealism


transforming a tongue into a person, provided there is enough visual evidence to support a supposed scientific understanding of the transformation.
by AngelDali August 5, 2010
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