Alyssa is a smart, self conscious girl who hides her feelings. She is very confident but doesn't show it. She seems like a quiet, shy girl but in reality is very outgoing and fun to be around. She is kind and loves to laugh. Relationships are important to her, but only if it is true, and long lasting. Everybody needs an Alyssa in their life.
Alyssa laughs so often.
by Aljadatigr076 April 24, 2018
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Alyssa is the type of person you look at and you just like "Well goddamn. Honey you fineeeee". Not only is she frickin' stunning, she's extremely funny and caring too. Alyssas are often a lil short and a little clumsy, but they're almost always a lotta charming and a bit of crazy. Spending time around Alyssa is like staring at the sun. You know it's not good for you, but there's just something so intriguing about it ;). No matter where she is in life, her main focus is you, and it always will be. Due to her selfless nature, all she ever does is put all her effort in making other happy. Don't ever, ever let go of an Alyssa, because 1. She won't let you so I mean you can't. And 2. You'll regret it even if you ever think about it. Just love Alyssa, because she will never stop loving you ❤️.
Guy 1: My day was complete and utter shit before I hung out with Alyssa
Guy 2: That's just what Alyssa does man, that's just what she does.
Narrator: Yes, so it was official. Everyone is a fan of Alyssa.
by WinniTheFootPoleShitstick October 22, 2018
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She’s weird but hilarious and makes an amazing friend. Alyssa looks out for you, treats you right, makes time for you, she’ll stand up for you, and she’ll share her food with you. Alyssa is a savage and she has hella clout. Get you an Alyssa.
I wish I was an Alyssa”
I want a girl like an Alyssa”
I’m such an Alyssa”
by @savvysavage January 29, 2018
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most amazing person in the entire world no one is better than Alyssa. Hannah is a close 2nd, but no one beats Alyssa's amazingness. Shes so beautiful and she is not a hoe and everyone likes her because she is great!
Dood: wow hannah is so amazing!
Other dood: not as amazing as Alyssa!
by dooden May 17, 2018
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Alyssa is an awesome girl who’s very compassionate. She’s kind, resourceful, adorable and won’t let you mess with her friends. She’s really smart and always has your back. She is an awesome person and you would be blessed to know her. Alyssa is someone you should NOT cross, because when you turn your back, she will get you. She’s tiny but can pack a punch. She loves her some cheese, and dem hoodies are her life. Never let that Alyssa go!
Alyssa: Want some pizza?
P1: Sure thanks!
Alyssa: Your welcome!

Later when Alyssa left

P2: She is awesome, eh?
P1: Yeah she’s the best friend ever!
by Looney Luna Moona September 12, 2018
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An outgoing girl who tries to make everyone else happy even when she is down, she can be sweet but if you cross her she will not hesitate to kick your ass, if you piss her off you better run for life, cause she is the devils spawn. Treat her right, she will be the most amazing girl you will meet, she is loyal to her friends, and even more loyal when in a relationship, she will dedicate a lot of her time to that relationship and will delete every other guy out. Anyone she used to like or liked her, or dated her is immediately blocked. She is usually a very honest person and never holds back, however like most people she will tell a small lie from time to time. And if someone messes with her friends, she will hunt the twat muffin down, and destroy them.
Person 1: Hey Alyssa this person is talking shit
Alyssa: What's their first name?
Person 1: Jessica, but I don't know their last name
Alyssa: *looks up name* do they go to this school?
Person 1: Yes
Alyssa: Bruh.... guess who I just found
by DodgeCharger2012 February 15, 2017
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A badass motherfucker who don't take shit from nobody. She's, beautiful, smart, and kind. Anyone would be lucky to have her.
Damn, he got himself an Alyssa...
by Hannahnxnana February 25, 2017
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