attention deficit ( hyperactive ) disorder is were the brain chemistry of a individual dosen't produce enough of chemical B(sorry dont know real name) to maintain chemical A(ditto). It is most oftenly found in males and normally shows up during puberty. Altho AD(H)D most likely is present before puberty many idividuals mark that off as kids being energetic like the majority of there age groups. One of the most visible sign of AD(H)D is poor grades and short attention span... hence the name. I was diegnosed with ADD last year but apperently began dealing with it 5 years ago. ADD and ADHD are not the same thing!!!!!!! ADHD is when you compulsivly twich,tap fingers, pat feet, and/or look like the energizer bunny as well as lack the attention span as the norm population.Finally Ridilin(i cant spell Shiz) it not always the answer!!! there are 3 diffent chimical inbalances that cause AD(H)D and ridilin only deals with 2 of dem. Ridilin dosen't work 4 me soo they jacked me up on Concerta and bam result(not really bam results more like long period of time, slow results)

"Hey Bob i got ADHD,look a rabbit,its raining,Blue 42... Blue 42...,what, Green, That cloud reminds me of , Good bye!"
by Randy L May 31, 2005
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A condition characterized by a shopper who originally is looking for select items, yet ends up getting side tracked and buying other stuff.
Person 1: Dude, last night, I went shopping with my girlfriend. We planned on only buying bread, yet she also bought a ton of t shirts, a zillion new dresses, and several thousands of necklaces and earrings!
Person 2: She has Shopper's ADHD.
by andrettifan June 16, 2013
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Kids who don't necessarily have ADHD, but will never stop moving, making weird sounds, and/or be drawn to flashing lights.
non-ADHD kid-Dude shut up. That dumbass sound is retarded!
ADHD kid-I can't; I'm an ADHD kids.
by yocrazybiatchesrightown January 3, 2012
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A medicine you take when you have diabetes and breast cancer and not when you have adhd and you have been taking then and then you stop you turn into Muslim terrorist
Josh did not take his adhd meds when going to strip club
by Godwantshamsandwhich68 June 2, 2018
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Awful lot of ADHD is an insult used on the internet when people are saying very stupid things. You can call them a moron, a Moran, stupid, or say "awful lot of ADHD around here! Awful lot of ADHD!".
Laura: I read that China is 12 hours ahead of America... why didn't they warn them about 9/11??? THAT'S SUCH BULLAHIT FUCK YOU CHINA LIKE 3 BILLION PEOPLE DIED.

Tyler: Someone tried to tell me there was 50 states in America. Nuh uh cause the scientists found out that Pluto don't exist. We got 49 sumbass.

Stan: Awful lot of ADHD around here! Awful lot of ADHD!
by HawaiianPunch1 December 22, 2021
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A dumb ass who took a buzzfeed test and it said they have ADHD, and now uses it for ever excuse in the world.
Me: Are you focused?
Them: OMG! I’m so sorry, It’s just my ADHD LOL!
Me: Do you actually have ADHD, like went to a doctor?
Them: No, I took a quiz and It said I have ADHD
Me: Jesus, you’re a dumb ass, That’s just Self Diagnosed ADHD.
by Mrsymphony September 14, 2020
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When your ADHD is at its peak and your dishes pile up, your laundry piles up, your mail piles up etc. and it all hits at once and cut to 2AM and you realize you’re vacuuming your oven
Ashley: remember those wine glasses from 3 weeks ago? I still haven’t washed them

Amy: oh man you must have hit that ADHD pile-up
by nextdoor_simpleton February 4, 2023
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