International Standard Business Time is a "time zone" that does not change based on location. This time is the same throughout the planet. If it is 10:00 IBST in Moscow, it is also 10:00 IBST in Texas. IBST allows international companies to sync with each other. It is most commonly seen in the 24hr format- I.e. 00:00 is midnight. IBST is the same as GMT, but as earlier stated, is recognized globally and does not depend on location.
We've set a meeting with all the GMs via Skype conference for July 11th at 1300 International Business Standard Time (IBST).
by Biochristy August 7, 2015
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the error Urban Dictionary gives you when you try to search up anything that isn't a letter or a number
*searches up "!"*
Urban Dictionary: Urban Dictionary is busy right now
by nlolhere January 4, 2022
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congratulations, you broke urban dictionary. good on ya!

in all seriousness, nobody really knows what this error means but it’s usually seen when you go to a page that has been removed or doesn’t exist.
aw man, i just got the “urban dictionary is busy right now” error!
by amami. December 25, 2021
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To be completely serious about something.
Alice: Here comes Charlie. Wait, what is he doing with that chainsaw?
Bob: Uh oh. I hope he doesn't mean business.
by MalumLibrum958 September 20, 2023
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An objectively (according to everyone but yourself) complete mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources.
If I tell you you're committing business-suicide please ask yourself the question of whether or not you have enough capitalism acumen to successfully run a business, either currently or in the near future
by Sexydimma January 4, 2015
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An objective, according to everyone but yourself, complete mismanagement of your own financial assets and resources.
If I tell you you're committing business-suicide please ask yourself the question of whether or not you're genetically fit to live in a capitalist society.
by Sexydimma October 1, 2014
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