1. A bunch of butt fucking faggots who think they can sing but they sound like a bunch of 5 year old with their voices cracking because their balls haven't dropped.

This is the worst thing that happened to a TV show directed to children since Hanna Montana's slutty ass.

Their songs are so horrible, you would rather cut off your balls and eat them.

2. A group of 12 year olds that got caught "Naked" in bed together.

3. A little kid version of the JOnas Brothers.

4. A bunch of Faggots
i was flipping through the channels and i saw the Fucking homo brothers( a.k.a. Naked Brothers band), i immediately dropped on the floor, mouth foaming up and having a massive seizure.

by Sixtwelve March 17, 2009
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An opinion, every person has a diffrent view of what it is and there is no right or wrong awnser, exept the Jonas Brothers, who are a bunch of shit playing fags.
THe Best band ever is the band who is the Polar opposite of the Jonas Brothers.
by Amsahater7339 September 15, 2009
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Has absolutely nothing to do with the ammount of rubber bands. Is simply a wad of cash with a rubber band around it. These types of "Banks" are usually found in illegal transactions; i.e., drug trafficking. The term is also an oxymoron of sorts, because the terms "Rubber Band" and "Bank" imply drastically different levels of risk.
Don't worry Filbert, I got my Rubber Band Banks.
by Schlongmaster December 5, 2006
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A band, like Wilco, whose primary audience is comprised of dads with cool teenage kids, but who still attract enough cool teenage kids to be actually cool.
Joe: Have you heard the new Wilco CD?
Amy: No way, man. My dad still hasn't taken "Yankee Foxtrot Hotel" out of the Saab.
Lisa: Yeah. They're such a cool dad band.
by Emily R-W March 2, 2008
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A non-sexual term referring to the way a band kid asks for assistance from fellow band kids to put on his or her jacket as part of their uniform. The jacket itself is very difficult to put on by itself because the zipper is on the back. Unless you are a freak of nature, you need help putting it on. This ritual of the doing normally begins with a band kid half in the uniform turning around as they say "Do me", the band kid leans over as the second band kid takes their quivering hand and slowly zips up their jacket. Once this is done, the band kids parts ways to do other people.
Band kid 1: Hey band kid 2, "Do me (band)"
Band kid 2: *Zips up jacket*
Band kid 1: Thank you! *walks away*
by Sousatonium October 16, 2014
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A member of a band who is so devoted to their trade that it will dominate all parts of their life, making them socially unacceptable. Later in life they will have no career other than teaching future band queers.
Mr. Donello over there was a band queer when he was a kid. Now he teaches music class.
by Capnplunder November 30, 2007
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A sports fan who's loyalty is contingent upon a team's success. These fans are rarely respected in the sport fanatic community because they reap the rewards of victory, without a willingness or fortitude to face the hardships of defeat.
1realist on the New York Mets message board on 8/10/2010 says "F the Mets!! I am a Reds fan now!!"

Thus, 1realist is a band wagon jumper
by NyMetsFan August 11, 2010
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