An anal sex-toy. Specifically, the name given to anal sex toys that are used by straight men.....who just "happen" to be "curious."
Brett swears he's not gay, he just tried the ass gadget out of curiosity
by The_Golden_Gopher March 2, 2009
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I really didn't care enough to properly not care about fixing the door, so I did an ass-hearted job.
by Organic Robot June 18, 2009
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Individual who goes out and beyond the call of duty to make a total asshole out of himself whether it be too much to drink or just in general acting like a real asshole..
Here we go again....Tommy's making Captain Ass again!!!!
by CYN1CAL MIKE July 29, 2009
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Extra-large but soft and massively overflowing ass.
Check out the lady on the scooter! Her glacier ass is spilling over into aisle 4!
by Lothario the Scandalous November 3, 2014
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An ass lap is when a girl has an ass so big that it creates a make-shift lap in the back which can be used as a shelf, or a inconvenient place for a cat to take a nap.
Hey, I set my beer down for a second and now it's gone. Did you see where it went?" "Yeah man, it's over there, you set it on Amanda's ass lap and she walked away." "Oh shit man, my bad.
by SameoldJake July 24, 2010
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Shy ass is a situation one finds himself when he wants to take a shit but get to the toilet and nothing comes out.
Gift: Yo man, I gotta take a shit

Ebuka: Go ahead

Gift: *leaves and comes back in two minutes*

Ebuka: Wow! So fast?

Gift: Nah Bro, I got a shy ass

Ebuka: Damn!
by Litblogger February 18, 2017
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Noun: while pooping, on or off the toilet, the turd can support itself hanging from your ass. In other words, if one were to stop pushing, the poop would just hang there from the ass, very much like an ornamental medallion.
Boy, I'm glad everything is ok now, but I still had an ass medallion on when my old lady started chokin' on a chicken bone!
by Silty Loam June 15, 2016
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