A fuck boi who fucks every girl he comes across at any fuckin street just to pass the time and hit the streets
Example : person 1 : Omg did you hear about Tyler and persia?

Person 2 : yea, apprently Tyler is a fuck boi and is always around the main streets
by Lisanojams July 26, 2022
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The main content for a particular application or piece of work, useful for casual, quick descriptions of a designers User Interface.
Hey Dom, skipping the main blah, what do you think of this design?
by TallGuyRob February 15, 2010
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the most annoying group of friends ever. they think they are so relevant but literally nobody likes them. they wear clout goggles to school and say words such as “obvi” and think they are cool. they snuggle with their boyfriends and post it all over snapchat and they think it’s so cool like honestly nobody cares.
girl 1: ew the pep squad/main beaches are so weird

girl 2: yeah they think everyone wants to be them like honestly ew
by slay.all.day November 22, 2018
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Different type of breed, real, known to speak whatever is on the mind,and calm and cool but crazy if pushed out of character. Has potential in anything effort is put into.
Liu maine speaks how he feels and dont give a fuck how you feel.
by Filas911 June 19, 2017
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A child of divorce who has a crippling addiction to gay porn and Sonic feet pics.
That man is a Main Grain
by Mistagreen June 7, 2022
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