A girl with a mustache big enough to tickle your dick when giving a blow job.
Damn, check out the pickle tickler on that skank. She should wax that thing.
by Gregga September 22, 2004
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When Derek was being anoying, I told him to go ’sniff a pickle'.
by \m/Ú∆Ú\m/ October 5, 2010
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In simple terms; saturday detention for theatre people.
An extra session in which actors preparing for a show gather with the objective of properly learning their lines.
Friend: can you hang out on Saturday?

Actor Friend: Can't i have a fuck pickles i need to go to for my amazing show Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
by giules_95 October 27, 2013
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When a girl is on her period and she has sex causing the dick to look like a bloody pickle
Hey bro I got a bloody pickle last night from my girl
by queen pussy May 1, 2015
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The act of a man jumping up and down or thrusting madly while naked and his pickle slaps from fupa to taint over and over making slapping sounds. Truly achieved during very warm weather and with little or no hair.
by jimbaround November 25, 2008
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A pickle that likes to be tossed in a spice garden with a blonde wig on. It usually has a better time when googley eyes are glued on, or if it has an erection because of a cucumber.
Woa! Look at that Albino pickle go!
Damn, those things are AMAZING.
Yeah, screw Kardashians. This shit is amazing,
by ginathedragonslayer January 5, 2012
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"Hey, when's Jeff gonna let us use the bathroom? He's been in there for 30 minutes already."
"He can't help it. Ever since Andrea broke up with him, all he's done is cry on the couch and pull the pickle."
by CanWe June 28, 2015
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