when you and your partner put your butts together then one farts into the other
Barry and I cheek chatted last night and it didn't even smell.
by birdygirly December 27, 2016
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This is the act of having one or more active Facebook chats while also actively defecating.
"Dude I was Shitbook chatting with our Animation Theory group today and found out our project is due this week. Fuck!"

(This was taken from an actually Shitbook chat.)
by jermzig March 25, 2011
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When Kyla comes through with the smoke & makes work tolerable
Boy :"YO Kyla said she's gonna smoke me up later"

Girl: "What No Way! W Kyla In the chat!"

A Chat must be taking place in order to say" W Kyla in the fhat" W meaning Win or "score"
by neverokok November 25, 2021
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"When Kyla comes through with the smoke and makes work tolerable"
Boy : "Yo Kyla said she'll smoke me up quick"
Girl : "What no way! W Kyla in the chat"

A chat must be taking place to use this phrase. W's meaning "Win!" Or "Score!"
by neverokok November 25, 2021
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The one person in a community group chat, who regardless of age, is annoyingly friendly and only sends “May God Bless You” flower pictures or other impersonal greetings daily.
A: Hey, why did you leave the group chat?
B: The group chat grandma kept sharing minion memes and I couldn’t take it anymore.
by SadIrony May 26, 2021
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A place where stupid people gather to share their useless insights on very random things. This server is owned by a childish boy who likes to repeatedly recycle his insults. Given the amount of admins and mods on this server, we might as well give everyone perms.
Jonathan: What are you going to do after school???
Dale: I am going to talk on the Ultimate Idiot Chat

Jonathan: Sounds like you really belong in there...
by EloN MUsK 263 March 23, 2021
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On the dole, unemployed.

Used ca 1993 by guys I knew from Ashford, Kent.
Is Jay coming? No he can’t afford to, he’s on the chat.
by BBarnet November 6, 2019
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