When people get off on being busy.
“The whole conversation was busy porn… everyone getting off on how busy they’ve been, how busy they are, and how busy they are going to be.”
by MikeJC October 6, 2023
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When an individual feels the need to list every possible task that they have to complete within a given time, in order to show-off how "busy" or "important" they are to others, when in reality, we're all fucking busy.

Game is usually played by college students who are power-hungry, need attention constantly, or want recognition for completing tasks that are simple.
Person 1: "I don't know how I am going to get anything done. I have to write a paper, apply to internships, create a website, write another paper, make a presentation, get my haircut, take a nap, drink water, breathe, then I have to apply for a scholarship, then edit my Twitter bio, then adopt a child in a third-world country.........."
Person 2: "Ok, lets not play the busy game. We've all got shit to do. We're all busy, bitch."
by dawgyjaydawgy March 17, 2018
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When someone wears a hoodie under a suit
Omg, is he wearing a suit on top of a hoodie? That's so business cazual
by viannea September 3, 2018
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When something goes just as or better than planned. Another way to sayDope
“Did you ask for the snap?”
“I got the snap and the number.”
by Kokonut3102 November 7, 2017
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The process of vigorously mixing together dry and/or wet ingredients with a whisk when cooking/baking the Joshua Weissman way. Normally used as it’s own sentence.
In a bowl add white flour, three eggs, and sugar. Whiskie business!
by Bipolarmiddlechild February 4, 2021
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Anything that causes intestinal problems. Something that causes a bad case of diarrhea, gas, cramps, constipation, etc. A euphemism for bowel problems.
Man, that 4th chili dog with onion cheese tots was bad for business!
by JavaJaneOhio October 15, 2011
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a person who can interact and do business with multiple parties in the jungle.
John in marketing is a business mandrill, don’t mess with him!
by DieselMax June 21, 2023
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