The Ultimate Anti-Jordan Peterson Homing Missile
Hym "Does God WANT? Jordan... Hey, Jordan.... Does God WANT?"
by Hym Iam May 26, 2024
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An expression used by Trixie Mattel to make fun of or parodise something in a stereotypical southern american accent
Person 1: „Why do these gay people need a parade, why do they need to be so in your face about it?“
Person 2 (with irony): „If you want my gun, try and take it“
by Langiuca October 3, 2023
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Used when one wants to initiate in a board game with another. More commonly used with family/friends.
Victim: Parcheesi or Scrabble?
by ??? Chungus October 11, 2023
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i’m not forcing you to stay

you can leave me behind if thats what you truly wish for
“Though I would love for you to stay, leave if you want.”
by Izaguirre September 10, 2019
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Typically said by men at the peak of human athleticism, it is said as a waiting call for this who want “a fucking burger”.
by Tybot66 November 4, 2022
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another way of telling someone : " please don't reject my ideas, I think i know what I am doing".
boy: i think i want to marry you

girl: no you don't go away. before getting married, you should get a girlfriend first, not the other way around
by Sexydimma June 4, 2015
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another way of telling someone : " please don't reject my ideas, I think i know what I am doing".
boy: i think i want to marry you
girl: no you don't go away. before getting married, you should get a girlfriend first, not the other way around
by Sexydimma March 6, 2015
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