To always be annoying and doesn't listen
guy 1: Bro tell random we have to go
guy 2: I am he just won't listen he keeps random dudeing
by c00lmoose January 26, 2020
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The act of inflating a group tab through unwarranted purchases of manly items such as beers, whiskey shots and White Russians.
Hey man WTF is up with this bill? How is our liquor bill more than our dinner?

Yo Bro, you just got dude taxed!!!
by TheRealBMan June 28, 2011
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The most sarcastic phrase someone would ever say, the kind of phrase when someone is talking about something boring and you want to respond with no effort
Person 1:"so I just got these new pencils and I think they're really cool"
Person 2"Dude no way"
by RandomGuy246 March 6, 2022
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Dude Positive is a descriptor for people who are fine with being referred to as dude.
1:"Are you dude positive?"
2:"Yeah, you can call me dude"
by Calvin:"^) April 6, 2021
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Someone who is insensitive, arrogant, dumb, annoying, etc. It is pretty much a nicer word for douchebag
Man that guy pisses me off, he’s such a dude bro.
by newaccount5678 October 7, 2018
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The act of going on popular game shows and embarrassing yourself.
"Did you see that guy lose over $1,000 on Jeopardy? He's such a dudy dude"
by MikeTysonsFrontTooth February 13, 2022
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