A man that goes down on a woman after ejaculating inside her.
“yeah dude I let that girl turn me into a twinkie eater last night”
“yo I don’t know about that guy I heard he’s a twinkie eater”
by stankyleg26 February 23, 2022
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Someone who rudely eats really loud, and doesn't respect basic manners. If you're a loud eater, you do these things.

1. Always eat and chew with your mouth wide open.
2. Talk while chewing.
3. Slurp whenever you drink a beverage.
4. Loudly bite your spoon or fork when using it.
5. Every time you open your mouth, loudly take a deep breath.

6. Get a good nice "ahhh" whenever you finish sipping your beverage
7. Burp at least a few times.
8. Lick your face and fingers to get all the food off it. Napkins are for losers.
9. Every time you put food in your mouth, loudly drop your silverware so it makes a "bang" on your plate.
10. If you're having soup, let plenty of it drip down into your bowl so it sounds like a nice waterfall.
If your date is a loud eater, it's probably a safe bet you don't want to go out with them again.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 1, 2021
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She’s a mystery girl who loves to eat ass. Loves cup of noodles and has a stomach problem and an alcohol addiction. She smells like caca because of her ass eating habit but once you get to know her, the smell isn’t as strong. She’s loyal, HOT, smelly, and ALWAYS hungry. Don’t let Ass Eater starve or she may lash out.

If you have an Ass Eater, keep her. Or donate her. Your choice.

FYI (she’s a big h0e so make sure to keep her busy)

“Damn, Ass Eater smells extra shitty today?”
by Cacagreen April 5, 2022
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A Nigga( which ever race) that eats ass. You tongue the bootyhole down.
Awh, that Nigga is an ass eater. He ate his girlfriends ass last night.
by I just spit facts January 22, 2023
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It is a word derived from mental asylums, coprophagia, referring to the inmates who eat their own feces.
We refer to burn victims as a crispy critter and a copraphagist as a shit eater.
by ironjustice May 25, 2017
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a sexist man that bashes on women. he'll aggressively slander women being called "angry" due to the aggression and anger mixed.
eater is for the compliment use of "ate" such as "you ate that up girl!" an angry woman eater.
Girl 1: "He's totally an angry woman eater."
Girl 2: "I know right?"
Guy 1: "You totally ate that girl up dude! You're a crazy angry woman eater!"
Guy 2: "Thanks dude!"
by LUKA ?! June 4, 2023
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