a woman who gets PAID to be a slut; street corner hang out(not to be confused with a porn star)
Find a freaky slut instead of a whore because it's cheaper.
by DustyBallz September 23, 2006
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a person (usually female) who will have sex with anyone.

similar to slut
taylor g. is such a f***ing whore
by nick taubes October 18, 2006
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“Whore” is used to judge a women's value solely based on her sexual availability. To people who use that term, a woman is an object/toy and they don't want a used up old toy, they want a new one. So a woman who has been with a lot of men is seen to be worthless, regardless of whatever her personality/education level is.

Not only is “Whore” an insult, it is based on sexist ideas about what a woman’s role is. The idea stems from the olden days when a woman’s life would solely based on servitude to a man, with no rights to luxuries, happiness or enjoyment for herself and to have freedom of choice of who she would sleep with would be considered “dirty” or “wrong”.

Some insecure women also call other women “Whores” to give the impression their value/worth is higher than the woman they are referring to.
Sometimes men feel a sense of entitlement to a beautiful girl and if they can’t have her, it hurts their ego and the reaction is similar to that of a small child. Name calling such as “Whore!” to win the approval of other men with a similar sexist attitude behind their normal everyday lives. They resent women’s rights. They don’t want women to be equal, they want preferential treatment and wish women were tools for them to use and keep shut in the kitchen and the bedroom, even if they don’t say it out loud.
by Jessie.00193 May 22, 2013
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smelly fresh vegetable mainly found in cars.
ere look ive found another whore in the backseat
by dodgy stalker March 23, 2007
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Every woman except your mother and sister.
"Your mom is a whore" (Note that it's always "your" or someone else's mom, not your own)
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1) A slut with an hourly rate.

2) Someone who, if they turned up to your birthday party, would only give you a one night stand, a small fee and syphilis.

3) The kind of person that would hit a man with glasses, but only if he had money.

4) Someone whose sexual standards drop in ratio to the amount of money the nearest male has.

5) By logical progression, every man's ex-girlfriend.
1) Man: Hey, you're hot.
Girl: Hi, you're mildly attractive.
Man flourishes wads of cash.
Man: Hey, you're hot.
Girl: Hi, wanna fuck?

5) Logical progression:
Man, I paid for our dinners, bought her presents and gave her my heart. Now that I think about it, she's like a whore; I mean, I DID give her all my money for a few half-arsed fucks...
by nesis May 18, 2005
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whore /hɔr, hoʊr or, often, hʊr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciationhawr, hohr or, often, hoor Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, whored, whor·ing.
1. a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet.
–verb (used without object)
2. to act as a whore.
3. to consort with whores.
–verb (used with object)
4. Obsolete. to make a whore of; corrupt; debauch.
Girl 1: OMG. Alyssa had anal sex with Jordie.
Girl 2: OMFG. REALLY?!
Girl 1: YA!
Girl 2: THAT WHORE! I thought she was dating Clayton not that long ago?
Girl 1: Well, she must've had bad sex with him or something..
by Agnus The Great March 1, 2007
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