"Cisco beep beep boop" - Jan Wanders 2k17
Jij bent een Jan Wanders als je van cisco houdt.
by Jan Wanders May 22, 2017
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A person that goes into the anime realm and is able to travel through anime worlds unnoticed
If I had one wish I’d be a Anime wanderer.
by Chenese. M December 7, 2020
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typically a guy who is handsome but dumb, some may say a himbo, who beefs with 15-year-olds online.
oh looks that's a dumb guy who is beefing with a 15-year-old, must be wander wand
by bhahahahahanolmao July 20, 2023
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another word for wonder, just more fun to say tbh
claire: *walks in random places*
Emily: Stop wandering around!!
by the best person ever :) May 11, 2022
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A Wander is a person who is sexist, homophobic, fatphobic, a hypocrite, and basically just an all-around scumbag created from the dregs of a cesspool from hell. Their integrity and basic human decency seemed to be existent at first, but quickly withered away.
Person 1: Bro did you hear about that guy who was revealed to be an incel?
Person 2: Yeah, he’s a real Wander, isn’t he?
by junior_c September 9, 2020
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A traveling salesman who peddles absorbent pads and vaginal ointments.
Da term "wandering menstrual" could also refer to a lady who habitually traipses aimlessly around in a particular area whenever it's "dat time of da month", passibly because gentle exercise like dat is known to be beneficial in somewhat alleviating said nasty pains.
by QuacksO June 18, 2023
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Someone who is so fucked on drugs they have walked aimlessly miles away from where they took them,
most of the time being unaware of where they are going.
I saw one of those drug wanderers along the highway, he was so fucked on drugs.
by Troglodyte'd Azure Piece March 1, 2021
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