The act of rapidly switching through old Ventrilo servers in your list to see if they are still active.
I was Vent hopping today and I found our old server from when we raided back in BC.
by RyuukLovesApples November 9, 2011
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The vent above or around the toilet, usually located on the ceiling.
After taking a schnoop, the schnoop vent did its job by eliminating all odors.
by Valcroy September 22, 2017
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When people use a meme template to vent about a sad/frustating situation they might had.
Man, crazy how most of tiktok relatable memes are vent memes.
by Lheom October 13, 2023
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a man that will crawl in your vent and eat toe nails it finds on your floor it can flatten to fit in any vent and was first spotted in a camp in Manitoba Canada
vent mans in the vents hide your toes
by pilotfox;) April 20, 2021
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if your name is Nemo then you vent a lot in among us
by Nemoic October 23, 2020
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The holes that occur in your underwear, naturally, over time allowing your balls to get proper air circulation

The lack of ball vents is often the single.biggest contributing factor to someone unexpectantly and inappropriately whipping out their nuts.
My new underwear have no ball vents so my nuts feel like they are on fire.
by Angus McCracken January 24, 2020
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A vent located somewhere in Hong Kong, China that was originally "Smoke Vent", but the letter "S" fell off
by David Hawaii April 25, 2007
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