Motherfucking idiots.They have big moustaches and they are muslims.
by NOPE JUST NOPE. K??? June 29, 2017
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The word derives from Turkalicious which means " to have the same equivelnt of bootylicious but in male form. Turk is also know as someone who creeps in alley ways with out being noticed such as " Someone is turking outside. the word is used mostly in europe for mainly one reason. they pick up on little words faster.

1) someone who acts before they think
2) can be used to descibe a body part

ex. u were kicked in the turk
3) as a insult

ex. quit being so f*cking turk about everything
4) To describe a witty friend of wisdom

ex. lets see what the turk has to say
5)Being a turk can also be someone with clever comebacks

6) to be godlike
You are being a Turk, Someone is Turking outside, oh my Turk, F*ck Turk, you were just kicked in the turk' you dance like turk, you smoke weed like turk, i wish i was turk,
by lifesapeach August 22, 2009
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Black-ops organization founded in Boston, Massachusetts. The group’s founders act as a triumvirate, controlling the activities of the group which—contrary to popular belief—is no longer officially affiliated with the General Affairs Department of the Shin-Ra Electric Company. Due to the group’s overall tendency towards secretiveness, little is known about their activities. What is known is that its three leaders base their operations out of 6 Arlington Street in Boston’s prestigious Beacon Hill neighborhood. The Turks are allegedly connected to a string of violent crimes in the area, including the hostile takeover of the area commonly referred to as the “Common Room”. Though some sources claim that its triumvirate is comprised of three badass, beautiful young femme fatales, this is dubious given the severity and coldhearted nature of their activities. That story is likely a falsehood constructed by amateur admirers of the group, who abound in the Back Bay area. Also rumored to be collectively fond of (and good at) video games, and that their name is an allusion to the popular game Final Fantasy VII.
"I saw a girl leaving 6 Arlington Street, muttering something about 'muffin' and dusting white powder from her nostrils. She was carrying a sword, too. Oh man…do you think she was one of The Turks!?"
by Willy the Snitch February 8, 2006
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slang name for a Turkish blend L&M cigarette. mostly smoked by devilishly attractive females and those who desire a some good smooth cancer.
"Hey Steve, can i bum a Turk?" "Seth, get outta here!"
by ChrisChinJohnson April 28, 2013
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Masterbating to online pictures of new HP computers while choking yourself with a USB cable to get the full nysx effect.*
*Note. You must be watching re-runs of baseball tonight in order for it to be truly called a Turk.

Dude, last night I just couldn't control myself after the Braves beat the Dodgers. I had to give myself a Turk.
by Dr. Apo April 16, 2008
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3 year old bill: what are Turks?

by Randomdude8733 May 4, 2022
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A fucking stain to humanity. The worst types of Muslims, along with Azerbaijan. Smelly, hairy, showing monkey like intelligence. They like to commit genocide and attempt to cleanse Armenians along with their fellow apes, Pakistan. Yet another garbage country that should be bombed until it’s no more. Their pathetic president Erdogan is also a piece of shit, sucking Russia’s fat cock and riding natos dick. Armenia kicked Azerbaijans ass so bad turkey had to call Terriosts in order to help Azerbaijan. As you can see they love to work with their fellow retarded monkeys of the same religion
-where are you from?
-I hope your country gets cleansed by Russia *curbstomps*
by BonkersBoi January 23, 2022
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