(phrase) - similar to the male "suck my dick", smooch my cooch is slang for no way or fuck off. Also, it can be both a response to a command/request or a useful comeback.
1.) Wow, Kait said that about me? She can smooch my cooch!

2.)Hey Ma, smooch my cooch; i'll do my homework later.
by KTD 4L July 24, 2006
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A phrase a man uses to tell another person to give him oral sex. It is mainly used as a comeback.
You got a problem with me? You can go smooch-ma-gooch!
by Smoochmagooch16 March 23, 2010
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When your female dog has been cleaning herself and soon afterward wants to surprise you with a big, cooch smelling kiss on the mouth.
I was laying on the couch and got a pooch cooch smooch from Sophie and just about threw up!
by Beaver Skateboards October 4, 2009
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(phrase) - similar to the male "suck my dick", smooch my cooch is slang for no way or fuck you. Also, it can be both a response to a command/request or a useful comeback.
1.) Wow, Kait said that about me? She can smooch my cooch!

2.)Hey Ma, smooch my cooch; i'll do my homework later.
by KTD 4L July 23, 2006
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girls going out with you on a friends-only basis (or in the context of 'hanging out').

is appropriate for a first date. not so for later dates.
my friend set me up for a night of mooching without smooching with his cute sister. first night was great, but now it's starting to feel like free beers for her and blue balls for me!
by daveschappell October 30, 2010
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(phrase) - similar to the male "suck my dick", smooch my cooch is slang for no way or fuck you. Also, it can be both a response to a command/request or a useful comeback.
1.) Wow, Kait Frankewich said that about me? She can smooch my cooch!

2.)Hey Ma, smooch my cooch; i'll do my homework later.
by KTD 4L July 23, 2006
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when you smooch someone’s cooch , self explanatory
- omg i’m totally gunna smooch dat cooch tonight with gina!

- wow good for you bro i can’t pull any girls
- maybe that’s cuz ur a guy in a lesbian bar
by ball.sucker December 8, 2022
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