Poke is a way to virtually molest people on facebook.
Boy: i just poked you
Girl: Eww you sicko.
by the poke master February 23, 2011
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Similar to a bump, except the intention is to check if someone is there. Almost always used in groupchats, DM, or other forms of texting.
Hey, is David awake?
Not sure, I'll poke him for you.
by PandACT May 11, 2017
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To have sex from the male perspective, meaning a man can "poke" a woman but a woman can't "poke" a man. The word cums from the action of a penis during sex.
He poked her last night

You can have a poke if you'd like
by CromBomb August 3, 2016
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Something often done by people either bored, or wanting attention, for example, myself.
Me- *Poke*
Other Person- STOP POKING ME.
Me- *giggle, POKE*
by OliOzzicle September 27, 2010
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i skipped school so i could play some pokes
by mdip November 25, 2007
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something fun to do while IMing
and fun to do at karate
standing in line and poking ur friends is fun

me: -poke-
my friend: -pokepokepoke-
yea u get it
by =)[hehe]=) August 11, 2006
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A funny Flash movie about a kid wanting pokee toys
by Jason M. October 6, 2003
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