Assholes on hypixel who alwayys loves to fuck around and clean in blitz survival games
Dave: So this Non-donor cleaned me
Jake: Fuck Non-Donors
by RealMaxthanimator March 2, 2021
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A father so lousy, so awful, that the only good he ever did for you was help bring you into this world by donating some sperm and DNA
Jerry: Hey Jude! Isn’t that guy over there your dad?
Jude: He ain’t no daddy. He’s my father, AKA DNA donor, AKA the worst person I’ve ever known!
by Unorthodoxy July 20, 2021
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Hey, can I have your organs?
Hym "Do you need me to put the little orange organ donor stick on my license or are you just going to help yourself? Cuz it seem like you just helping yourself to whatever I have to offer is the general theme around here..."
by Hym Iam June 13, 2022
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Verb. The process where an organization, usually a corporation, having the quality of incompetence such that executive management is forced to purchase another organization for leadership. The incompetents first donate their decision making and later their jobs as the purchased organization's management takes over often creating opportunity for formerly lowly drones to take over for the formerly "best and brightest" of the donor org.
"I can't believe Quantum Inc. bought us back in 2006". "don't worry, it will take about a year but the organ-donor-ization has already started"
by Flacido Domingo September 13, 2008
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The ruling class that that controls politicians with political donations. Example:
US Senators politicians need to raise more than 10 million dollars to run no working class person can contribute so US senators, so senators than kiss the ass of these donor class.

But donor class demand special favors like high pharmaceutical prices versus what Europe prices are.
Remember donor class never give anything without strings attached.
The donor class controls 100% of all politicians in the USA
by Lee can July 21, 2023
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A person whom carries and births a child but has no parental characteristics.
My Uter Donor is an alcoholic, drug addict, and whore.
by FabtechLodi August 18, 2019
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A female that gives her coochie aka her vagina to a man in sexual need,and also gives it up for her sexual needs.
Sometimes a man needs a "Coochie Donor" when his dick gets hard.
by ciliathepooh July 7, 2011
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