A person who thinks they're wonderful, but the rest of the crowd disagree.
Some say he is a constant delight, which is actually synonymous with annoying cunt.
by Tarantula12345 December 21, 2018
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Originally the name of a Bigelow Tea Flavor, "Constant Comment" is a name for someone who has comments for anything & anybody, on-the-regular 24-7.

It doesn't matter if said comments are nice, not-so-nice, naughty, or neutral as long as they are constantly and consistently stage-whispered.

Somebody who is constantly spilling the tea on everybody and anybody.
1) Girl had something to say about everyone's agenda during today's team meeting -- she's such a Constant Comment.

2) He was clocking everyone on the conference call while his mic was on mute -- what a Constant Comment.
by ZakNak April 22, 2017
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Someone or something that gets roasted a lot. A bad game, a best friend, whatever. As a person, it would be the type that gets roasted even then when they are on the winners' side and everyone agrees, just because they are a being of constant roast by nature.
Friend: Dude, that guy over there is getting roasted again.
Me: People can't help it, he's a being of constant roast.
by Kuraion August 3, 2018
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The Hermanns constant 532nm, which corresponds to the wavelength of light from a green laser pointer. Denoted as lambda_h
"Using Hegmann's constant, determine the energy of a photon from a green laser pointer"
by ThePilot22 March 31, 2023
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one who likes to yell as if they are tough but when someone gets serious back at them they become a pussy.
Cuz he’s a bitchass😂
He’s a pussy, we should call him joey constant.
by ...;)... June 21, 2018
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Noun. The constant is whatever numbers you need to juke the stats so Professor Skinner is happy.
The data make no sense, so let's apply Skinner's Constant and go home.
by WoodleyPark April 11, 2023
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