An unannounced competition to see who can get the most friends and best profile pic
Jane: Wow! Suzie has 1432 friends on facebook
Mark:But she probably doesn't know half of them
by JustaFried8 September 9, 2011
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It's so easy for stalkers nowadays; with twitter, facebook, and myspace, they can get all of our information!
by theycallmejew December 1, 2009
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Facebook is a online site where you can add people you know check there pictures, write on there wall, ect. you can also play games like farmville.
(i click onto my friends facebook profile)
Me : hey u want to go to the cinema later?
-20 mins later-
her: okay sure. what time
me: erm now if u like. the film starts in 20 mins. ly
her: cya there.
by Chelsiee December 5, 2009
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Facebook is a shallow and unreliable electronic repository of dirty pictures, inaccurate rumors, bad spelling and worse grammar, inhabited largely by people with no demonstrable social skills.
Friend 1: Hey wassup?
Friend 2: I have lots of friends and you don't have friends because you don't have a facebook! HAHAHA!

Stupid Girl Talking Over Phone 1: So I'll see you in FB?
by Pepolshet August 11, 2010
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1. a way for people to gossip, or boast about themselves
2. a crutch for losers

3. stalker dreamland
4. a great way for cheating spouses to reunite with skanks

from the past for ass
5. Also known as deathbook and fuckbook
Joe: Hey Bill, remember that hooker Mary from high


Bill: Oh yeah. The one that could suck a basketball through

a tennis racket...chubby cheeks and saddlebags. A

real spoiled twat!

Joe: Right! Thanks to Fuckbook, I mean Facebook, I drilled

her like the slam whore she is while her hubby was at

work and her kids were at school.
by backspinboy September 27, 2010
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a cure for insomnia
dude 1: i cant sleep...the doc told me i suffer from insomnia and gave me meds but they dont work!

dude 2: try facebook, that'll fix ya right up!

by jash nasti February 4, 2008
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Dude #1: Yo bro, you send me that thing on myspace?
Dude #2: Myspace is for whores bro, get a facebook
by Babadoo September 24, 2007
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