A young russian boy usually between the ages of 13-16 who tends to often "hustle". Can usually be found on Friday nights at the mall or movies hanging around. This strange creature is the highest class of a trapaholic. Was never informed as a young boy on how to be normal, so still does not behave in that manner until this very day. Highlyy dislikes people who think they can fade out with him.
roman, juice, stack bundles
by mary qwerty September 2, 2009
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When one man is in the downward dog position, another man approaches from the rear in a crab walk inserting each other’s penises into the reciprocating anus, while relocating testicles to one side allowing for maximum grundle on grundle contact.
Hey man, the wife ran to the grocery. Think we got time for a double grundle bundle?
by Man Bun Overall Guy September 3, 2020
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Referring to the heavy unfashionable winter jacket and patterned mittens Sanders wore to the inauguration of Joe Biden.
Its brutally cold outside this morning so be sure you're Bundled Like Bernie!
by talk2me-JCH2 January 25, 2021
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A recent development in the Console Wars, when stores make a system availiable for pre-order only when you buy a ridiculously expensive bundle of games and accessories with it.
When I pre-ordered my Xbox 360, I was bundle fucked by the store, they made me pay $2000 for a 360 and 8 copies of Bloodwake
by Alex June 17, 2006
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The possible lesser known term for "Fag"
"Shut up you skinny bundle of sticks!"
by E.M.V.J.J October 11, 2017
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Phrase. Used to tell people to "shut up" or stop talking. Also used in place of quit it, or stop it.
Michaela: Kelsey your so weird!
Kelsey: Shut your bundles! I am not!!
by littleblonde October 25, 2010
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