A phrase used to express one's discontent with the lack of organization by the administrators of a project or venture.
This is no way to run a railroad.
by beautifulheart June 15, 2014
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when you fart in a girls face and then pis on her after recieving oral sex
she wouldnt shut up so i gave her a chocolate railroad
by lil jon May 19, 2004
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The Metro-North Railroad is a semi-decent commuter railroad in the New York metropolitan area. There are three lines, the Hudson Line (to/from Poughkeepsie); the Harlem (to/from Wassaic) and the New Haven Line (to/from New Haven, Conneticut). The New Haven Line has three smaller branches into Danbury, New Caanan and Waterbury. All three lines go as south as Grand Central Terminal.
I need to go home to Poughkeepsie, the Metro-North Railroad dosen't run past 1am.
by 1-800-MARGARITA July 19, 2006
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When someone snorts cocaine with a harriet tubman 20$ bill
Guy: "hey man you wanna be taking the underground railroad cuz my dealer got me the good hook up"
by GuccimaestroSS April 21, 2016
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A railroad that ate the Southern and Norfolk & Western to create a shit storm that would derail it's way throughout the east coast. They also creates 20 brain dead heritage units for foamers to simp over. NS is known for derailing trains frequently
"Hey look, the Norfolk Southern Railroad ate shit again in Altoona."
by PissBreather June 7, 2021
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A TTRPG campaign where it takes a Railroad approach to setting the actions, but the DM makes no effort to form a coherent story. This makes the players feel like they’ve been blackout drunk for the duration of a session, or like they’ve been in a fugue.
“Man I wish I knew what that one politician guy said to us last session, if it weren’t such a fugue state railroad I’d know what the fuck is happening in this game.”
by gurpsfed September 15, 2022
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n. the secret pathway that you put your extra food on when you're at somebody's house that does not like to waste food. In the Underground Food Railroad, you must work as a team to get rid of the extra food. This is usually used when there is a buffet and you accidentally get too much food.
I got too much food at the buffet... Granddad will be mad...I think I'm gonna use the Underground Food Railroad...
by kk4444 December 26, 2011
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