“The Dance is over“ Or “This Dance is through” is how this translates literally. A Jig is a centuries old Irish folk dance, the rest is self explanatory.
Looks like the jig is up!, we just tripped the alarm🚨 & the police 🚔 are here!! (Burglary)
by tECHNOtODD March 25, 2021
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Used to describe a guys penis.
Girl...we went to the strip club last night. You should have seen the size of dudes Jig-a-jug! It was off the richter!
by Foxy Beige February 25, 2009
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to completely reset something back to its original formating or settings.
Example 1:

Person 1:hey man my bro just downloaded 2 gigs of porn onto my computer 1 gig of which is just viruses

Person 2: ah man now you're gonna have re-jig it, dude that'll take so long

Person 3(person 1's bro):hah you like the present i left you?

Example 2:

Person 1: omg man my fucking new mazda rx-8 has this awesome rotary engine

Person 2: hah why would you buy one they need to be re-jigged every couple of months
by teh_lock & B3@tn1cK December 13, 2009
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Look at the BUSTA on the dance flo', hes bustin a nig jig!
by ryan January 27, 2005
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1) A (usually) narrow-minded white/caucasion female who only dates guys that are of the Black Race.
2) A Hypocrite
1)"Man I tried to get Jessica's phone number, but she said since I was white like her that she could not because she does'nt talk to 'white boys', man what a Jig-Whore!"
by TheUnknown August 8, 2005
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A euphemism for sexual intercourse; dancing the genital jig: having sex
Last night, me and Stephanie danced the genital jig.
by trumpet_marcher17 January 22, 2018
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