663 definitions by ryan

Any type of sex.
Man I could sure go for some yummies right now.
by ryan August 27, 2003
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my homeboy or best friend; usually used when the person in question hooks you up with a sweet deal
My main man just hooked me up with courtside seats to the Knicks.
by ryan September 12, 2004
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When you fire Twinkies at things using a bow-and-arrow-like device.
I hear that idiot in Arbour Butte is gonna do the twinkie launch again.
by ryan December 10, 2003
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an aesthetic style characterized by overt (and usually obnoxiously cartoonish) semantic references, deriving from the postmodernist period of architecture and design (the 80's).
Venturi's newest house is far too pomo for my taste
by ryan March 23, 2004
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An awsome sport in which people ride bikes and kick the skateboarders asses.
I bmx and kicked a skaters ass
by ryan March 21, 2004
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1. The down+B attack of Mario or Luigi in Super Smash Brothers

2. Fran Dresser
Fran Dresser, give him the British Nanny!
by ryan November 14, 2003
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I: A Chinese male springboard diver who made his mark in the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. A short and humble man, suprisingly (to his critics only) took a gold medal proudly back to China.

II: The best rounded athelete to ever live.

Also See: Badass
"Ryan, call Peng Bo up, we need to congratulate him on the dive."

"It has seemed that Peng Bo has unstrapped his speedo to reveal a tatoo marked "DIXON"" - Olympic Announcer
by ryan August 26, 2004
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