This is the dude that you think is sweet and kind on the outside but on the inside he’s totally different. He’s kinda a bad boy, with a lot of secrets but everyone likes him. He’s not selfless, but he can be so sweet and adorable. This guy is hot and passionate about certain things. Girls fall in love with him.. especially girls with a name starting with “J”. You have to be careful with him. He’s got green eyes and brown hair and is a huge extrovert and a dazzling smile
Did you see Jeremiah?
Wasn’t he confident?
Well obviously. He’s Jeremiah
by Gardeningsheds&broskis March 16, 2020
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Although know to be the manliest people they have many disadvantages, they are usually weak, and the biggest problem is they have very small penises, they are not good in bed and they are jerks most of the time and they try to hard to make friends
Jeremiah is so weird
by Qwertyuiopdfhgj May 30, 2013
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So cool hot and sexy and loves to fuck your gurl. He doesn't hesitate to suck your moms ass!
toohot jeremiah
by Hotsexyboiilikeyourmom May 16, 2019
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Used by Chaos when on baby is not enough to express his feelings
Chaos: Merlin had a good keyboard on jeremiah
by Merlinsux February 9, 2021
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Is a handsome,amazing boyfriend, he always knows how to make a girl smile. if he breaks your heart it is probably for the best! He make become rude at times but do not argue with him and leave him be. Jeremiah will steal all your scrunchies and sometimes beg you for more but please give them to him because he deserves as many scrunchies as he can get.. even though he messed with my heart i will always deep down love him. because thats what jeremiah does. he stays in your heart forever.

, made by Kylee Katherine miller
OMG JEREMIAH IS YOU BOYFRIEND>>damn you pretty lucky , hes a cutie
by jeremiah shultz December 11, 2019
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