A slur used to mock trans people. The word ACK, originating from 4chan, it imitates to the sound of a popular far right meme of a cartoon where a transgender person hangs themselves thus makes fun of the high suicide rates within the trans community.

ACK! is thus not a slur to name trans people, rather a word for suicide of a trans person, used in a manner to mock the trans community.
*Comment thread of a trans influencer*
Far right commenter: "hope you ACK! later today"
Far right commenter 2: "hope the troon ACK!s"
by Ih8mnortis August 9, 2023
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The improper usage of the word ASK. Verb
Can a ACKS you a question? All you had to do was ACKS. I is gonna ACKS right quick.
by CW1092 July 20, 2023
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ACK is used to define Adedayo Charles Kunle, now used as a political term
by ACKCITY November 27, 2018
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An expression of a negative emotion which is built up and making one feel ‘poopy’. Used commonly in messaging and social media
by 1237_ February 20, 2020
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(v): an insult, usually interchangeable for the word fuck. Can also be synonymous for telling someone/something that they suck
Evan: "Hey guys can you please let me into the studio?"

Everyone: "No, Evan. Ack you."
by _thememeprophet_ April 1, 2020
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The only recorded fragment of the ancient intergalactic Jendellian language. This fragment was recorded twice on film in 1978 when the extraterrestrial being, known to humans as “Ace the Space Man”, or “Space Ace” was asked by Hanna-Barbera to be included in a film documenting the superhero group “KISS”, of which “Ace the Space Man” was part of at the time.

Little is known about the meaning of “Ack”, however experts believe this is a Jendellian blessing of the highest wisdom.
Star child : Gene's clean.
Cat Man: A pussvcat, almost.
Space Ace : Ack!
Sneed : This isn't funnv!
by Jendell High Council April 25, 2023
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Short for “Acknowledged.” Mostly used by military personnel to quickly confirm that they received the sender’s note, email, task, order or request.

“Ack” can also mean “Yes; Ok; Got it; I’m on it; or Confirmed.”
Cpl Smith,

Please follow up with the Chief Engineer to make sure he has everything he requested from our team.

Col T. Taylor

Reply from Cpl S. Smith:



Cpl S. Smith
by Imakethewordswork April 15, 2021
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