A party ocurring on December 21st, 2012 which may consist of one these scenarios. Note: These are the most likely scenarios, not thee ONLY.

i. For those who actually beleive the world is going to end to rap tin foil around there heads, hide in a bomb shelter, and pray to the Mayan calender, while waiting for the end of the world. There celebration officially ends (or begins?) at 12am on December 22nd, 2012.

ii. For everybody else. GO APE SHIT! A day where we stock up on alcohol, max out our credit cards, no condoms/birth control while having sex, tell people what you really feel about them, quit your job, tip cars over, vandalize buildings, and burn your city to the ground. Party ends when you sober up in the morning and you realize what you have done. Note: The "End of the World Excuse" does not work the next morning.(Also See 'Detroit', 'End of the World Excuse', '2012 Baby', '2012 Hangover')
a. I can't wait till the 2012 Party! I'm going to spend tons of cash on beer.

b. Man, I'm still recovering from the 2012 Party.
by kbates55 May 10, 2009
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i. The hangover the day after the end of the world party. The result of forgetting about your safety and what others think and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol on December 12th, 2012. Basically, drinking because yout think your going to die or because it's good excuse to drink, but you don't die and the next morning you wish you were dead. This hangover will never be topped by any to come and will be worse than any prior. The only thing that will cure the 2012 hangover is time (and of course more alcohol!).
i. This hangover sucks but nothing compares the the 2012 hangover.

ii. If you keep drinking you might get a 2012 hangover. Oh wait you can't get worse than a 2012 hangover, you'll just die.

iii. I'm stocking up right now for the 2012 hangover. The world may not end, but my world might if I don't have some OJ.
by kbates55 May 10, 2009
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An annoying documentary on Joesph Kony by Jason Russell (who is also the founder of the Invisible Children Organization) that went viral in March 2012 on every social networking website. Joesph Kony is a warlord in Uganda who abducts children, forces them to kill their parents and serve his army. Jason Russell and his supporters want to make Kony famous in order to make the US armed forces go to Uganda and arrest him by gaining support from members of US congress and celebrities. The whole thing is very annoying. What Kony is doing is definitely a crime against humanity, however why should the US armed forces be bugged about this? Last time we checked the US armed forces were a group of soldiers to eliminate THREATS not a group of mercenaries that will kill anybody that others don't like. We have sent 100 troops to Uganda however they are inactive once they get there. Honestly if these people want Kony dead so bad Jason Russell and his supporters should have a fundraiser, go to Uganda, by cheap AK and AKM type rifles from a local dealer and hunt him down themselves. You are not fighting a war by bugging others to fight it for you. Quit bugging the US military for everything they're not a commissioning service. The supporters should also stop bashing anybody who does not care about the situation as it is not mandatory. The activism for a good cause but has terrible demands.
Person1:Did you get a kony 2012 video on your wall?

Person2: Yeah, those idiots think they're helping by liking the video and bashing anybody who does not want to get involved.

Person1: I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
by Ekim_ March 22, 2012
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A stupid campaign made by the controversial organization, Invisible Children, urging people to share some 30 minute long video that will somehow make Joseph Kony, a criminal in Africa, "famous." They clearly don't realize that the word they were looking for was "infamous," or that Mr. Kony hasn't even been very active for years now. One of the central figures in the organization, Jason Russell, had a public, drunk, naked melt down two weeks after this. Apparently it was just too much success.
Person who does no research: Yeah, KONY 2012! Save the Africans!

Person who does research: Good luck with that, idiot.
by Rainbow Crash April 3, 2012
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growing out your goatee (or other facial hair) until 2012. Whether for fun, style, laziness, or just 2012-ing it.
Ex 1:
You: When are you going to trim or shave off your goatee? It's getting long!..
Me: This is my 2012 goatee, im not trimming or shaving it off until after 2012...if there is a day after...

Ex 2:

Thinking: I really don't feel like getting rid of my goatee, then my chin would feel naked. I know what I'll do...I grow this thing out til.......2012.....yeah!....that'll work. I'll call it my 2012 beard...Im sure by 2012 I feel like getting rid of it.........but what if there isn't a day after???
by vicehpm January 14, 2010
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A scam. A huge propaganda that was needed to be given a reason for the U.S. or UN to intervene. These trendy idiots think buying the products of InvisibleChildren is really going to help. If you actually really want to help, go to the country. You think a revolution is going to happen behind the computer? Wow.
"Yeah I think i'm gonna buy this bracelet and nice looking shirt!"

"Brainwashed, media invested, social attached idiots. Kony 2012 is just a scam."
by Jewelrynice May 24, 2012
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