Ole is a cool, relaxed and funny guy. In Spain he likes to pick oranges from the tree and give them to his chicas.
"This is the most delicious orange I've ever tasted."

"It's from Ole. He picked this juicy orange from the tree! A true orange picker!"
by em158 March 30, 2017
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This is a man with the biggest Penis in the World.He can fuck very good and the Person is a really swarm for woman.
The man is really good in football.In sex he is a god.The Man cann play soccer very well.The Name Ole comes Form Finnland.
by TheDestroyer44 January 4, 2017
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In General, a strong man, having a dick long like a elephant. Hes also very cute and a gentleman. Ole's are also quite tall. They are also known as awesome lovers. The nordic power guides them. Especially active and funny girls are his target!
Heidi:"Who's that new handsome and cute guy? He looks so hot ! "
Amanda:"that must be the new guy, i guess his name is Ole.
Heidi:" omfg i really need to talk to him! If he's really Ole? I heard his dick is as big and long like an elephants dick!! "
by Feelthebait March 29, 2017
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Ole is the name of a perfectly proportional and extremely well-trained MAN. An Ole is always well dressed, rich, juiced, expirienced, sexy, loveable, jacked, tall and handsome. The dick of an Ole is always over 10 inches long, and the ballsack is very nice. A girl will always be interested in an Ole. An Ole will always be hotter and more handsome and hav a bigger dick than an Even.
Oh my god, thats the hottest Ole I have ever seen

Oh, Ole is so much hotter than Even
by Handsomeandgoodatsex123 February 7, 2019
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She used to be able to stay out all night until she turned 30. Now she has OLS because she can’t stay awake past 9 PM
by Be_nik December 21, 2021
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a goofy old dude...or any old dude at that..
aye bro...remember the time ol doans feel out tha tree...ahahaha..goofy ol jóts
by woodehz September 19, 2007
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A term meaning big "titties" or "boobs" typically used in modern pop and rap songs
Don't look now, but she got some "tig ol' bitties" cuh!
by Thedefiningmaster69 March 31, 2021
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