Football= A game played for 90 mins with 22 men which, in the end Bruno Fernandes either assists or scores a goal
It's called football i don't know why American's call it the S word
by Marcus Looth January 1, 2021
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A sport. Also a uk word for American soccer.
My brother Kloe plays football (american soccer).
by thecharacterwannie July 1, 2022
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any of various forms of team game involving kicking (and in some cases also handling) a ball, in particular (in the UK) soccer or (in the US) American football.
"a football club"
Football okayp
by Hey Jonny bye j have you July 4, 2022
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People in their 20s beat the living shit out of each other for a fucking brown ball
Bob: wanna play football

John: sure let’s fuckin beat etchothers asses for a ball
by Maddox Spencer March 15, 2022
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a sports that has two meanings to it so you dont know which one it is
person1: wanna play football
person2:like football?
person1:no, football
by StupidDodo October 17, 2020
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Kick a ball into a goal

Also known as soccer
Let’s play football dude
by Mannamedjeff May 15, 2022
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This is a famous sport played by (mostly) everyone. There are two kinds of football; rugby for American, and soccer for British. British football, or soccer, is being used more than American football, which is rugby.
What football do you play? Rugby or soccer?
by Gervy March 22, 2019
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