1989 King kong & d jungle girls song
Only my homies listen to Boom boom dollar by kk&djgs
by Ahumi September 13, 2021
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The Silver Dollar is Charleston's sleasiest bar- so dubbed "the Dirty Dollar" because everyone is underaged except for the geezers at the bar trying to pick up some drunk jailbait.
When Stan doesn't have a sure bet for a one night stand around last call, he runs to the Dirty Dollar to pick from one of the drunk desperate freshman skanks.
by Julia Child March 24, 2008
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A term used to describe the value of currency in the midwest in comparison with other parts of the country where income is higher. This inequality of income causes unequal access to consumer goods due to requiring a higher ratio of one's income to purchase.
That's a beautiful new Tesla you bought, but I'll never be able to afford one working for Ohio dollars.
by ScooterGTFKD August 20, 2022
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Not a lot of money for the job, one might as well put dicks on the dollars.
by Thatguyorsomething March 24, 2023
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Similar to nickel and dime but rather than try to squeeze every cent from you in small increments, it's done so with larger amounts i.e. dollars rather than nickels.
Wait, I already paid full price for this game and you want to charge me $10 more just to get a feature that should have been in the game from the start? Way to dollar and cent your customers!
by thelonefoodie November 11, 2019
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Verb, slang

Using a Subway sandwich wrapper and a rubber band as a condom, either because you're poor or just can't wait.
"Yeah dude we banged all night, paycheck's not in yet tho so I had to give her the five dollar foot long ya know what I mean?"
"Jim what the fuck."
by mrmeme56 October 11, 2019
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A special form of currency used to buy p0rn.
I'll give you 5 otter dollars for that nude b0b pic!
by Nonyobiness February 10, 2007
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