A person who, at an all you can eat buffet, will fill their plate and more with food in the early hours of the morning
Oh look, we better get up to grab our food now the breakfast bandit is here
by Jahahhahap April 19, 2017
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Is a person that likes to perform anal sex.
I heard he was freaky in bed and was know as a chili bowl bandit.
by Bill jax July 5, 2017
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A 5 / 7-a-side footballer/soccer player who delegates the “holding role” solely to him/herself, rarely rotating out of this position to make runs or close down the opposition proactively, thereby rendering the team less effective as they become predictable with the ball and tired without it.

If his/her team is losing, a B.B will typically entrench himself even more deeply in that role in an attempt to stop conceding, but subsequently condemns his team to their own half for most of the game.

A Basecamp Bandit won’t identify himself as the problem, instead blaming isolated mistakes or rueing missed chances.
Aaron is such a Basecamp Bandit, he wants to lazily boss the game without running at all, but he isn't actually doing anything apart from jogging around the middle making sideways passes, or marking the last man without really hurting him!
by SurfingFootballer92 January 16, 2020
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A sensitive ass due to the combination of poor hygiene and chafing. The result of being on the run or moving about with a poorly cleaned anus. Typically follows defecation.
After jogging for a block, I realized I had not wiped myself properly and had a raging case of bandit ass.
by ccfar May 20, 2022
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When your got suspicions one of your mates has got gay tendencies.
And tries to hide it but deep down you know.
He's nothing but a fucken sting bandit.
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A taxi cab being used without being licensed as required by a city or other government agency.
The driver was arrested for banditting a cab.
by spinmeister July 2, 2015
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Also known as a Butt Pirate, this type of bandit has un natural affections for another mans cornholio. They put their stick in cornholio and get poop on it. They perform ass widening and shit licking.
by Mr. Homophobia June 6, 2023
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